Thai Massage Multilevel Workshop

Full Day Thai Massage Workshop

  • Date: 27 Nov. 2022
  • Max 16 Participants
  • Location : Jugendkulturhaus Dynamo, Tanzdach
  • Address : Wasserwerkstrasse 21, 8006 Zürich
  • Class: 09:30 - 16:30
  • Door Open: 09:30 - 16:30


Topic: Front Body & Shoulders

In this 6 hour workshop we will focus on sequencing specific Thai Massage Flows. Learn about the concept of moving another body while massaging along energy lines and releasing tension in the limbs, lower and upper body, and spine. The combination of theory, practice and philosophy will make this day nourishing and wholesome for everyones level and needs. 


History of Thai Massage:

Thai Massage has been practiced by monks for thousands of years. It is a practice that combines meditation, self awareness, breath, and loving kindness. The goal of Thai Massage is to reactivate the body's natural circulation and self-healing powers, so it can be brought back into balance.


Everyone who would like to learn more about quality movement & touch is welcome to this workshop.

What to bring with you:
Water bottle
Yoga mat
Blanket & small pillow
Comfortable clothes
