Acroyoga Intermediate II Cycle
Introduction to Icarians and dynamic Flows - with Adrian, Danica
Duration: Weekly class from to
Schedule: Every Wednesday, 20:00 - 21:30
Note: Drop-in classes available.
Location: Sporthalle Sihlfeld A
Address: Sihlfeldstr. 165, 8004, Zürich, CH
Price range: CHF 70.-
Student Cycle Abo - CHF 70.- One weekly class during the duration of one Cycle (4 Weeks).
How Cycles Work
- 1.Building up the foundation and getting to know the techniques of the new topic.
- 2.Working on tricks and deep-dive into the topic.
- 3.Deepening of what has been learnt and further exploration of the topic.
- 4.Polishing the newly learned tricks and wrapping up!
You will learn how to throw, catch and fly full-release tricks. The focus is on technique, progressions and timing.
You will walk away with all the toolsneeded to not only nail the trick, but also approach the entire practice, including falling and self-spotting. Learn to go beyond your limits and have fun in a safe environment where safety and mindfulness are valued.
Please note:Subject to change. Corona measures may involve short-term adjustments to time, date and place.
- Front plank presses
- Reverse and regular foot to hand hold (30 sec.)
- Reverse star holds (30 sec.)