Acroyoga Introduction Cycle
Exploring Inversions - with Gabe
Duration: Weekly class from to
Schedule: Every Wednesday, 18:30 - 20:00
Note: Drop-in classes available.
Location: Sporthalle Sihlfeld A
Address: Sihlfeldstr. 165, 8004, Zürich, CH
Price range: CHF 30.- - CHF 108.-
Drop-in - CHF 30.- Drop-in prices 2024
Student Cycle Abo - CHF 70.- One weekly class during the duration of one Cycle (4 Weeks).
Cycle - CHF 108.- Prices 2024
How Cycles Work
- 1.Building up the foundation and getting to know the techniques of the new topic.
- 2.Working on tricks and deep-dive into the topic.
- 3.Deepening of what has been learnt and further exploration of the topic.
- 4.Polishing the newly learned tricks and wrapping up!
Classes include:
Coaching in L-basing technique, transitions, flows, washing machines, sequences, inversions, foundations and drills. Flexibility or therapeutics in the end to finish the class.
No previous knowledge in Yoga, Acroyoga or Handstand necessary.