Partner Acrobatics Advanced Cycle

Dynamic Foot to Hand Drills 2 - with Adrian

Duration: Weekly class from to
Schedule: Every Wednesday, 18:15 - 19:45
Note: Drop-in classes available.
Location: Quartierzentrum Schütze Flex 4
Address: Heinrichstrasse 238, 8005, Zürich, CH
Price range: CHF 70.-
Student Cycle Abo - CHF 70.- One weekly class during the duration of one Cycle (4 Weeks).
How cycles work

How Cycles Work

  • 1.
    Building up the foundation and getting to know the techniques of the new topic.
  • 2.
    Working on tricks and deep-dive into the topic.
  • 3.
    Deepening of what has been learnt and further exploration of the topic.
  • 4.
    Polishing the newly learned tricks and wrapping up!


Acrobats come in all and various flavors. There are the icarian yonkies, the "no hand to hand ? is it even acro?", the "got to catch all the WM", tuttifruttis, the promiscuous (acrobatically talking ;-) ), the duos, trios ... you name it.

From whichever of this flavors you come from, there are just this bunch of "basic advanced" needed to clean up. Those, and a good warm up, are the first 45 min of our advanced class. What comes next depends on you and your partners goals (and the extend of our acro knowledge). You can expect:

· a bunch of drills to get your crazy tricks
· some inspirational suggested tricks
· one or two candys to manage frustrations <3


Prerequisites of Intermediate II
Whips - Expresso shot
Icarian - Straight Thrown in Throne and Bird
Standing - Extended Foot to Hand (free - no spotter needed)
Standing - 2 Man High (no walking and free - no spotter needed)
Standing - Bird or Side Star and Foot to Hand (Can have spotter and any entrance)
